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Familial Nephropathy or FN

Thanks to forward this to everyone who is interested by English Cocker Spaniel.

This could help the scientific research.

Now, the EFNF has its own homepage, so please follow that link :

 and thanks in advance to add it with the banner to your website

Our personal opinion

The familial nephropathy is an orphan disease, that touches a few breeds, and so "attracts" less people in researches.  However, it touches and kills dogs from different lines, it is spread cunningly, by "healthy carriers".  It can touch any line, any breeders, and decimate half of a litter before two years old.

We, as breeders, breeds clubs, but also all people who are feeling concerned by the English Cocker Spaniel health, we have to react and to support such initiatives. "The small brooks make the large rivers", so each person can do something, according to its means ... The smallest donation or initiative will be greatly appreciated...

People who would like to do something in support to the fund can contact Mrs Sandy Platt

You can also contact us and we'll forward the informations to Mrs Platt.

We will keep you informed about our own projets concerning the help to the researches fund by this article.

Such initiatives deserved to be applauded, but also followed ... for our dear breed conservation and health...

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