Domaine d'Haisha English Cockers
wish you welcome !


Congratulations to the Belgian English Cocker Club and his committee for this beautiful special show, as usual !!!

We spend a super day among friends, and the results followed...

Judge : Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK)

&&&Midsummer Magic Dancer du Domaine d'Haïsha, (Tripol's Dancing Feet x Granita du Domaine d'Haïsha) owned by the Poncin-Boutet family and nicely handled by Maé, won the particolor junior dog class.




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His sister &&&Midsummer Dancing Night du Domaine d'Haïsha gained a fourth place in particolor junior bitch class.

Comments from Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK) :

Nice type of bitch with lovely flow to her outline.  Very young, head is developing nicely, sweet expression.  Reasonable layback of shoulder, maybe a little short in upperarm.  Good bone, lovely tigh padded feet , short coupled.  Good hind angulation and correct set on of tail.  Moved through though  just a little bit narrow, but she will broaden with maturity.




Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :



Our little &&&Maggie May du Domaine d'Haïsha (&&&Charbonnel War Hero x &&&Ch Jenny Wren du Domaine d'Haïshawon the black junior bitch class.

Comments from Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK) :

 Lovely type cockery black.  Well moulded skull, well defined skull, depth of muzzle.  Has a good layback of shoulders, lovely level topline.  Nicely round hindquarters with lovely bent stifle and hocks.  Would like a little more depth in the ribs but will probably come with maturity.  Overall presents a clean male and shape.  Moves straight and true.




Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :


&&&Ch Charbonnel Suzette (Charbonnel Double Dutch x Sh Ch Charbonnel Lynette) is 1st Excellent in Veterans


Comments from Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK) :

Lovely « old fashioned » - not a criticism ! – type of bitch.  Very cockery and has to be handled to be appreciated.  Well moulded head, good reach of neck, not over angulation in any way, but is very balanced.  Deep ribs, short coupled, good level topline.  Very exuberant and sound mover, as she stroad around the ring.  Great condition for her age.




&&&Lady du Domaine d'Haïsha (Ch Jerry Lee Made in Austria x Gloria du Domaine d'Haïsha), owed by Mme Sarah Snyders, got a 1st Excellent in intermediate class, and the CAC Reserve




Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :


&&&Isabella du Domaine d'Haïsha (Weeping Willow's Amish x Elisa du Domaine d'Haïsha) did a nice come-back in the rings by winning the CAC - She's now Begian (Show) Champion !!!

Comments from Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK) :

Very appealing plush head with super expression.  Reachy neck into very well laidback shoulders and good upperarm angulation.  Ultra short, like her level topline which she keeps on the move.  Hind angulation in perfect balance with the front.  Neat catlike feet.  Moved soundly and true with good width between the legs.





Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :


And our super &&&Juliet du Domaine d'Haïsha (Sh Ch Over the Top vom Frenzer Feld x Granita du Domaine d'Haïsha) end the day with a CAC and BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX!

Comments from Mrs Jeanetta Fairbain ("Carmelfair", UK) :

Cobby big ribbed girl of excellent cocker type.  I like her feminine head with sweet eye and tight eyerims.  Presents a very well balanced picture standing and keeps her topline on the move.  Angulation front and back in balance and everything flows neatly together.  Very well rounded croupe.  Moved out happily on neat feat with ever wagging tail.




Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :


Big congratulations to our friend Nathalie de Paule for her super results, especially for Hamilton de l'Orme à Lieue  BEST IN SHOW!







"Well done" Nathalie, so well deserved, what a work to get there !


Thank you very much, Oli, for the super pictures !

A huge thank you to Mrs the judge for her critiques and her excellent judgments !

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Midsummer Magic Dancer du Domaine d’Haïsha

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