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For the second year, I had the great pleasure to take part to the  « Golden Groomer » judgment.

This time again, some nice people, a super atmosphere, and a lot to learn …  Thank yoCette fois encore, de belles rencontres, une super ambiance, et un week-e everyone, and congratulations to all the competitors and to the winners !!! (nice score, with 55 entries for this 11th edition, competitors coming from 10 different countries !) .

Thank you for your great work, your patience, your good mood, even with the very hot weather and even when we had to face to a power problem on the Saturday morning.  We apoligize again for the inconvenience.

Some super model dogs also, who behave perfectly … It was a diffult weekend for them too ...

Without forgetting our sponsors : Diamex, Transgroom, Power & Working Scissors  !

The “Golden Groomer” was awarded to the English breeder and groomer Mrs Mich DALEwho showed a beautiful work on her West Highland White Terrier.  What a perfect couple they made along the day, until the main ring where it was a real pleasure to see them move.



The best groomer of the day on Saturday has been won by  Mme Doris KAPFERER with a Kerry Blue Terriershe indeed won the 2 categories on this day.


On Sunday, the Belgian  Mme Aïcha Vermeulenwon the Spaniels competition, with an American Cocker.

And the canine press spoke about the « Golden Groomer », in the September 2014 issue of the « Toilettage Magazine »  (Toilettage Magazine Septembre 2014), and also in England, in the well-known « Our Dogs »  newspaper


The complete results


Saturday 19/07

Purebreed scissoring (judges : Mr Jean Vion, Mr Luis Martin Del Rio, Mr Sébastien Patient)


1. DELOBEL Noémie (France) with a Bichon Frisé
2. SCHMIT Mélanie (Belgium) with a Spitz nain
3. KILBURGER Robert (France) with a Bichon Frisé


1. DARTUS Emilie (France) with a Shih-Tzu
2. DUQUENNE Bérénice (France) with a Bedlington Terrier
3. KILBURGER Dana (France) with a Bichon Frisé


1. KAPFERER Doris (Swiss) with a Kerry Blue Terrier
2. DUQUENNE Bérénice (France) with a Bedlington Terrier
3. EBERLI Ursula (Swiss) with a  Bichon Frisé

Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :

Caniches (judges : Mme Kitty Dekeersgieter, Mme Caroline Lezier, Mme Carol Hanson)


1. DELOBEL Noémie (France)
2. BURU Paula (Romania)
3. PETIT Cindy (Belgium)


1. KAUSKOT Valériane (France)
2. VERMEULEN Aïcha (Belgium)
3. DESPAS Agnès (France)


1. KAPFERER Doris (Swiss)
2. SCHONAUER Margit (Austria)
3. WITTERS Sebastian (Belgium)

Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :



Sunday 20/07

Purebreed Handstripping (Judges : Mr Luis Martin Del Rio, Mme Kitty Dekeersgieter, Mme Carol Hanson)


1. CAMPIONE Amandine (France) with a Border Terrier
2. GHIOT Emilie (Belgium) with a Border Terrier
3. DELATTRE Kelly (France) with a Wire Fox Terrier


1. KAUSKOT Valériane (France) with a Wire Fox Terrier
2. WRZOSEK Anna-Lena (Germany) with a West Highland White Terrier
3. VANHEMMENS Emmi (Belgium) with a miniature Schnauzer 


1. DALE Mich (United Kingdom) with a West Highland White Terrier
2. SCHONAUER Margit (Austria) with a Welsh Terrier
3. ANSLIN Gia (Luxembourg) with a Lakeland Terrier

Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery ::

Spaniels & Setters (Judges : Mr Jean Vion, Mme Caroline Lezier, Mr Sébastien Patient)


1. HOEBEKE Virginie (Belgium) with an English Cocker 
2. JACOB Karin (France) with an American Cocker
3. GANASSIN Véronique (Belgium) with an American Cocker


1. KILBURGER Candice (France) with an American Cocker
2. KILBURGER Dana (France) with an American Cocker
3. SHEVTSOVA Iryna (Ukraine) with an AmericanCocker


1. VERMEULEN Aïcha (Belgium) with an American Cocker
2. TIMMERMANS Natasja (Netherland) with an American Cocker
3. GRAZELL Marie-Christine (Netherland) with an American Cocker

Click on the following picture to see the complete gallery :




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Some pictures

Thank you Patsy :-)
During grooming...
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